There are many people who have helped me bring the Bezalel Studio to life, and it's because of them that the studio stands today... so here goes my Oscar speech...
Peter Austen – the brains behind the whole studio. The fellow artist who casually said one day “I’ll build a studio for you if you want”. After the third time of offering, I took him at his word… and he has never once let me down. Peter is a true gentleman and aesthetic master in everyway. Everything he does is good. And whether it’s studios, fireplaces, plumbing, kitchens or cathedrals, Pete is THE man! My family – Who have put up with me throughout the many stages of the studio. Particularly my dad and my older (but not oldest) sister. My father – who is such a generous, loving and determined character… I can only hope that I reflect some of those qualities. The fact that my dad agreed to the endeavour in the first place speaks so much to me of the encourager that he is. And then there are the hours and hours and hours of work he put into getting those darn tree roots up at the back of the garden in the early stages. If it wasn’t for him I think I would have given up way back then... Only my dad and those who live in dear Trowse will appreciate how you can never really get a day’s work done if you’re outside in your garden… simply because of he interest and openness of neighbours and passers-by. If I could capture all the words of wisdom said and unsaid, I would be one step ahead I’m sure ;-) So thanks papa, for being patient and never, ever giving up! Wow. S’rah (my favourite middle sister!) – you have put up with oh so much. From me cutting holes into the living room floor, smashing windows in the process of laying a new floor and keeping me fed and watered in every way. And should anyone ever need a nurse, S’rah is the best. The most classic moment probably involved a ladder and me feeling quite faint as I called to see if she was free to look at my leg. What an eventful August that was in 2006! It’s a wonder I’m still alive really. To my many friends who have kept me going emotionally and mentally… for baking me cakes, holding up panels and smiling even though you’re on holiday from Canada (Thanks Amalie & Paul!), helping me paint, balancing on the roof (and calming me down in my stressful moments), wading in cement, plumbing in sinks (well, just the one – you’re a star Mr. Pearce!), wiring up the whole studio (Mark, you are ace!) and generally being there for me, even though I refused help most of the time. What an awkward friend I can be! To the many amazing neighbours I have… thank you so much for your encouragement, help and enthusiasm for the project… Di, you’re the best next door neighbour I’ve ever had! And I’m sure I’ve missed peeps of the list, but if you have helped me in anyway, THANK YOU! And should you need anything from any of the suppliers I used, click here for more details. Finally, the last word has to go to the main man of all – to God: The one who brings colour to every moment and purpose to every individual… I am overwhelmed by your truth and provision... Wow indeed. ~ Let’s rock ‘n roll… |