This image was firstly inspired by some previous photography and super-8 film work around the idea of 'home' and where exactly that is. As a christian, I believe that my 'home' eventually, is Heaven - and so the thought of having an uncut key helps me to remember that everytime I walk through my front door, my house is not really my true home.

Secondly, the very words 'Life for Rent' are perhaps more famously known as the title of Dido's most recent album. It's in the same titled song that Dido sought to express the fact that her life isn't really her own, it's only for rent... for a while, but if she doesn't manage to buy it, to own it; take control and make decisions for herself, then nothing of what she thinks is really hers. On hearing the song for the first time I instantly connected with such thoughts - realising that my life will not go on forever and only here for a passing of time... but to learn to buy my life? - that is something I could never do. Christ payed the hefty price of death for me when he took my sin upon himself on the cross, and in thanksgiving I will live my life for Him; to bring Him glory.

So - Life for Rent? Well, the way I figure it, my life was God's before time began - and so shall it be when He calls me 'home'.